The Grieving Helper: Holding Hope for Others While Making Space for Ourselves
This workshop explore grief and loss in a personal and professional context. There is a cost to the work we do, and the situations in which we put ourselves, especially in the context of the past couple years. Grief comes in many forms. As helpers, we need to make room for the grief of others but also for our own losses. Krista Osborne will speak about the difficult impacts of grief as well as the opportunity to build deeper connections, joy and hope in our lives and work.
Facilitator: Krista Osborne
Krista Osborne is an instructor with the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary. She is trained as a Clinical Social Worker with a focus on individual and family counselling. She has worked in a variety of settings including crisis intervention, suicide prevention, health, mental health and inpatient psychiatry. She has maintained a private practice in St. Albert for 10 years, with a focus on mental health, grief, trauma and life transitions. She has a special love of working with adolescents and their families. Krist believes that change is not only possible, but inevitable, with the right supports. She works hard to challenge people to become the best version of themselves through compassion and acceptance.