Local business building a buzz about food security

Food security is an increasingly widespread issue, but one local business is working to put affordable food on the table while building a sense of community between neighbours on Alberta Avenue.

With the support of a micro-grant from the REACH Neighbourhood Organizing Initiative, The Hive is working to grow affordable food in the city, while spreading education and beautifying public spaces.

“We’re excited to partner on this project with REACH,” says Amelia Altmiks, founder of The Hive Urban Community Agriculture.

The Hive hosts workshops and courses aimed at improving the community’s relationship with the environment, from urban beekeeping to food systems.

“The idea, in its grandest form, would be to partner with a large office building tenant, like a bank, and work with them to grow food indoors in these kinds of public spaces,” says Amelia. “It’s a great way to beautify community spaces while also providing affordable, locally-sourced food to our neighbours.” 

While larger partnerships are still being sought out, budding partnerships with spaces that involve children have created excitement among all involved, says Nathanael Traversie, Project Director at The Hive.

“They wanted to work with us and have a garden for educational purposes, and the food that is grown in that garden is then used in the kitchen,” he says. “This is education through practice, not just theory. They’re watching seeds grow, then they put that food in the kitchen so they can eat it right away. 

The Hive also partnered in creating an indoor garden box with Crystal Kids Youth Centre, with the enthusiastic help of the kids.

The aim of the Neighbourhoods initiative supporting this project was to create an integrated way to beautify the areas of Alberta Avenue, by creating welcoming spaces and building community, while connecting with vulnerable residents on the issue of food security. 

“This introduces a holistic activity designed to encourage community collaboration,” says Maricruz Barba, Manager of the Neighbourhood Organizing Initiative at REACH. “The goal is to support this pilot project in engaging neighbourhood residents, particularly those facing social vulnerabilities, in building a stronger community. This vision extends to encouraging businesses, residents, and other groups to build on these activities. This project also aims to share the produce with the community, involving more residents and strengthening the relationships being fostered in the Alberta Avenue area.”

“Our role in this project is being the glue that brings it all together. People want to grow things indoors, but maybe you don’t know what to do, you don’t have room, or you need volunteers,” says Amelia. “We’re looking for more partners to grow this activity as a way to create beautiful spaces and build relationships in the neighbourhood, while putting food on local tables.”

The Hive is actively looking for businesses and community groups to partner with on this initiative. To reach out to them for more information, please email or visit



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10025 - 106 St.
Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4


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Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.