WrapED aims to offer strength-based support, prevention, and intervention to youth and their families to address root causes of social disorder, including supports for young people affected by high risk lifestyles, who want to begin a new, healthier life journey.
• The initiative supported 68 youth since 2019
• More than 50% of participants have current or previous justice involvement and are assessed at moderate to high risk
• In 2019, for every dollar invested in WrapED, a social return on investment of $1.36 is made
• In 2019, WrapED contributed to a reduction of $1,254,000 in Edmonton Police Service and Justice costs
• In 2019, $276,000 in mental health and substance abuse recovery costs were avoided
• In 2019, $924,000 in homelessness support costs were avoided
• In 2019, improvements in school and work-related training attitudes were estimated to have a value of $214,000
“What are my goals? To get clean, stay away from crime, work on my music, and have a regular job. Staying clean is easier now because people are there for me.”
- WrapED Youth
“The more we learn how to navigate larger systems, the more we can teach our youth participants how to navigate them.”
- Kyle Dube, Executive Director, YOUCAN Youth Services
"I have a more positive outlook on life. Now I want to get up in the morning and do things that will benefit me."
- Mercedes, former WrapED youth

Suite 901, Baker Centre
10025 - 106 St.
Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4
Phone: 780.498.1231
Fax: 780.498.1266
Email: [email protected]
Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.