Resource Connect is an annual event that brings together a community of over 70 agencies and service providers from across Edmonton. The purpose is to explore how they might better create connections towards a more collaborative community of practice.
Within this community of practice, agencies find ways to work together to discover gaps and opportunities in the system. This informs how they might redesign better service pathways for their clients and the community.
To improve connectivity between agencies and service providers to better understandneeds and design better service pathways.
Increase awareness of agency and service provider priorities and their contributions to communities.
Enhance opportunities for collaboration and innovation.
Increase knowledge sharing around best practices and research.
Expand professional networks.
Increase connectedness for agencies to volunteers and those interested in working with them.

Suite 901, Baker Centre
10025 - 106 St.
Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4
Phone: 780.498.1231
Fax: 780.498.1266
Email: [email protected]
Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.