Trauma Informed Edmonton
Trauma Informed Edmonton is a network of organizations and helping professionals who have aligned their efforts to deliver effective training and develop and distribute resources on trauma for front‐line workers and policy makers.
The overarching goal is to ensure that services provided for vulnerable populations in the greater Edmonton area are trauma‐informed. We believe a trauma‐informed approach will improve the quality and effectiveness of services provided to Indigenous, refugee, immigrants and high‐risk youth populations, as well as military members and first responders suffering from Post‐traumatic stress, victims of domestic violence, and others whose thoughts and behaviors are shaped by trauma.
The mission of Trauma Informed Edmonton (TIE) is to raise the awareness and skill level of service providers and policy makers in the Capital Region to effectively address trauma in vulnerable populations. It invites people to consider the effects of trauma in their professional and personal lives.
TIE 2019 Gathering
TIE Environmental Scan
Trauma Informed Edmonton (TIE) initiated this environmental scan to respond to the need to support service providers in Edmonton. Frontline staff need to be better equipped to work with community members who present trauma, and provide trauma‐informed care. The e‐scan provided an opportunity for service providers to specify their training needs.

Training and Conferences
November 25, 2020
This webinar provides practical and easy-to-implement strategies to help staff and organizations protect themselves from the consequence and challenges of high-stress, trauma-exposed work.
2019 Gathering on
Trauma-Informed Practice
March 12, 2019
Trauma Informed Edmonton invites you to participate in our 2019 Gathering on Trauma-Informed Practice. It is a full three-day experiential learning opportunity that will engage front-line workers to deepen their understanding of trauma-informed practice.
September 25, 2019
In response to these identified gaps, Trauma Informed Edmonton is offering this event to invite managers and supervisors to deepen their understanding of trauma-informed teams and organizations.