

REACH Board Member

Dr. Kristopher Wells is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education and a Faculty Director with the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services, University of Alberta. He is the Co-Founder of Camp fYrefly, which is Canada's only national leadership retreat for sexual and gender minority youth.


Kris is a founding Board Member of the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities and is the former Co-Chair of the Edmonton Police Services' Chief's Advisory Council. Kris is a frequently invited national and international consultant and speaker on sexual and gender minority youth and educational issues.



Suite 901, Baker Centre
10025 - 106 St.
Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4


Phone: 780.498.1231
Fax: 780.498.1266
Email: [email protected]
Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.