211 Alberta for Crisis and Resources
211 is a free, essential service that helps Albertans find the right resource or service for whatever issue they need help with, at the right time. 211 is available as a 24/7 crisis support and/or information line with phone, text and chat options.
To access, call 211 or view their website below:
Beyond the Status Quo 2025 Summit
What if non-profits all worked together, sharing knowledge and resources as a sector? Join us on April 9, 2025 at the Edmonton Convention Centre for the Beyond The Status Quo Summit, where Edmonton’s human services sector will gather to lay the foundation for a new way of working together.
REACH does its work everyday on traditional lands of First Nations and Metis people, referred to as Treaty 6 Territory. REACH, along with the City of Edmonton and all the people here, are beneficiaries of this peace and friendship treaty. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose ancestors' footsteps have marked this territory for centuries. Together we call upon our collective honoured traditions and sprits to work in building a great city for both present and future generations.
Edmonton has always been a place where community matters. It is a place where neighbour is more than a word. Improving the culture and practice of community safety affects us all. Because you live in Edmonton, and care about the principles of community safety, REACH is both about you and for you. You are an integral part of this strategy. Each Edmontonian deserves to be safe and feel safe. We also share accountability to one another, to our community, and to future generations.

A city we are proud of, in a region which is harmonious, where all people, including the first peoples on whose lands we reside, are included, feel safe and are safe.

To strengthen community safety in our city and region through innovative ideas, building relationships and inspiring action.
The REACH Recommendations
The recommendations from the 2009 REACH Report drive and direct the work of REACH Edmonton. Below are the many initiatives that are a result of those recommendations:
A new model of family and community safety focusing on schools as neighbourhood access points to social support services.
A “Turn Away from Gangs” initiative. Support the evaluation of specific initiatives that address the risk factors for gang involvement.
Community coordination on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Support a comprehensive community wide strategy to help families and youth struggling with FASD.
A 24/7 service delivery model for high-needs populations. Lead development of comprehensive, coordinated access to 24-hour services for those at highest risk – youth, sexually exploited individuals and street gang members.
Models for engagement within Edmonton’s Indigenous and multicultural communities.
Community neighbourhood organizing initiatives. Implement a new Neighbourhood Organizing Model in several diverse areas of Edmonton to activate community in support of a preventive approach to community safety.
A community safety coordinating council to integrate sustainable community safety efforts.
A sustainability strategy for crime prevention. Work with local funding agencies and leaders, including the business community, to support long-term sustainable investment necessary for a preventive approach to community safety.
An innovative evaluation framework to measure success.
REACH Initiatives
Our many initiatives are the result of partnerships coming together to mobilize and implement the REACH recommendations.

REACH Training
Our training provides knowledgeable, practical solutions for those working with vulnerable people and diverse populations.

Suite 901, Baker Centre
10025 - 106 St.
Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4
Phone: 780.498.1231
Fax: 780.498.1266
Email: [email protected]
Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
REACH Edmonton is the proud recipient of Wellness Works Canada’s Mentor certification. This designation recognizes REACH as an employer of choice, taking a leading role in employee health and well-being.