Taking Care: Frontline Workers' Strategies to Support Self-Regulation

New dates coming soon

In-Person at:

Commonwealth Recreation Centre

11000 Stadium Rd NW Edmonton, AB T5H 4E2

To Register, Click Here

The metaphor of the Airlines safety measure “Put your oxygen mask on first so you can help others” has never carried more meaning than now. Whether you are on the front lines providing an essential service, working in your office or working remotely from your home.

The most important part of coping with the intensity of the work is to acknowledge its impact on mind, body and spirit. It may be that we have never been more tested in our capacity to cope with this intensity intensity since the pandemic began in 2020. Our world has changed dramatically in so many ways and continues to change. How do we navigate through these times and find ways to support self-regulation and self-care in order to support our family, friends, colleagues, clients and community?

With this in mind, this webinar will explore:

• Coping with the unknown: How our nervous systems perceive threat and experience stress.

• Caring for Self: Ways to foster self-regulation and resilience.

• Caring for Others: Ways to foster co-regulation and collective resilience

Participants will have the opportunity to explore some somatic-based self-soothing practices that work with the wisdom of our bodies to promote self-attunement and encourage curiosity about what we can do to support ourselves in our work and life.


Participant Feedback:

"I need to practice self-care more and make suggestions to my team for better self-care at work as a team."

"Even when one has worked through their own trauma triggers can occur."

"When I am numb, I cannot tell if I am hurting others. We cannot be numb in our work with clients."

"So helpful, so insightful, so relatable. I am so thankful to have taken this workshop"



Suite 901, Baker Centre
10025 - 106 St.
Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4


Phone: 780.498.1231
Fax: 780.498.1266
Email: [email protected]
Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.