Our training is accessible and provides knowledgeable, practical solutions for front-line workers, supervisors, law enforcement, social workers and others regarding best practices for working with vulnerable people and diverse populations.
If you have questions or concerns about our training, please contact Rie Nakai at [email protected]
You can also visit REACH’s Eventbrite page for the most up-to-date information.
2025 Non-Profit Wellness Learning Sessions
REACH Edmonton is proud to partner with Wellness Works Canada to offer a variety of online and in-person learning sessions covering subjects tailored for the non-profit sector. Learn practical tips on workload balance, conflict resolution, and more with Victoria Grainger, founder of Wellness Works and experienced facilitator.
These sessions are FREE and exclusive to non-profit workers and volunteers
Taking Care: Frontline Workers' Strategies to Support Self-Regulation
The metaphor of the Airlines safety measure “Put your oxygen mask on first so you can help others” has never carried more meaning than now, whether you are on the front lines providing an essential service, working in your office or working remotely from your home.
Coalitions Creating Equity (CCE) Alberta is a province-wide community of practice that supports the advancement of all equity issues and greater awareness of the human rights of Albertans. In collaboration with Shiloh Centre For Multicultural Roots, a self-paced learning program for individuals, organizations, and others who are interested in gaining more insight into ways to combat hate, racism, and discrimination was created, complete with video modules and a curriculum guide. In addition to the training tool, Coalitions Creating Equity Edmonton interviewed 18 individuals who had reported a hate crime or incident over the past five years in Edmonton to understand their experiences reporting and how organizations responded to them. They followed up with a results report and recommendations.
These projects resulted in a training curriculum for free use by organizations in the community as well as an executive research summary and report.
REACH Edmonton is a collaborator with the following groups in the development and distribution of training opportunities.
CMHA Recovery College Edmonton
Their courses offer more structured learning experiences than many group programs. They’re designed with input from qualified and experienced educators AND people with lived experience. Each course has clear learning outcomes and activities to explore and build knowledge.
REACH Edmonton has provided the following workshops in partnership with various specialists and experts.
The Grieving Helper: Holding Hope for Others While Making Space for Ourselves
This workshop explore grief and loss in a personal and professional context. There is a cost to the work we do, and the situations in which we put ourselves, especially in the context of the past couple years. Grief comes in many forms. As helpers, we need to make room for the grief of others but also for our own losses. Krista Osborne will speak about the difficult impacts of grief as well as the opportunity to build deeper connections, joy and hope in our lives and work.
Systemic Racism & Becoming an Ally
REACH is collaborating with Native Counselling of Alberta to offer a training on systemic racism and allyship.
A workshop on enhancing self-awareness and prevention strategies for trauma informed approaches.
Participants of this workshop will gain an understanding of how hate functions in Canada.
This workshop will guide participants through the legislation and prosecution of crimes motivated by hate, as well as develop understanding on how to identify the differences between crimes and incidents motivated by hate.
Responding to Hate and Discrimination on the Front Line
This workshop will offer guidance to frontline service providers in recognizing hate and identifying ways to best support their clients and community members.
As helpers, we stay in the room when others leave. The nature of helping means that we will be affected by the work we do – the relationships we build bring us joy and growth along with pain and trauma. Experience and research have taught us that we will all be impacted by our work as helpers and sometimes we will struggle with our work and our lives.
Working with Multicultural Families Experiencing Family Violence
Presented by: Tigist Dafla, Funke Olokude
Participants developed a better understanding of the migration pathways, settlement challenges, and significance of immigration status of immigrant and refugee families. This workshop also provided participants with opportunity to examine culture and power dynamics in these families.
Unpacking Hate Crime: Hate, Bias, and Community Expectations
Presented by: Irfan Chaudhry
This workshop focused on the distinction between hate crimes and hate incidents in Canada. While both hate crimes and incidents impact the community, police services are limited in their involvement with hate incidents (due to their non-criminal nature). This often creates confusion, mistrust, and feelings of resentment between communities impacted by hate and the police.
Understanding and Mitigating Bias
Taking an intersectional approach, this workshop will help participants to build their understanding of bias and practice steps that can be taken to limit the impact of unconscious biases on our decisions and behaviours. Participants will enhance their self-awareness of their own biases, build understanding of their social conditioning, and examine behaviour versus intention in professed values and daily behaviours. Through case studies and interactive exercises, participants will identify their biases and assumptions, and learn how strategies to mitigate biases at the personal and organizational levels.
Micro-Inequities in the Worplace
A micro-inequity is a behavior, a subtle form of discrimination where a person is singled out, devalued, overlooked, or ignored due to their accent, ethno-racial identity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic class, disability, or membership in a minoritized group. In this workshop, participants will have a good understanding of micro-inequities, the way they impact individuals, and workplaces, how to identify and respond to such behaviours, and how to implement preventative strategies.

Suite 901, Baker Centre
10025 - 106 St.
Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4
Phone: 780.498.1231
Fax: 780.498.1266
Email: [email protected]
Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
REACH Edmonton is the proud recipient of Wellness Works Canada’s Mentor certification. This designation recognizes REACH as an employer of choice, taking a leading role in employee health and well-being.